期待已久的2018UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛题目新鲜出炉啦!扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑师事务所(ZHA)负责人帕特里克 · 舒马赫担任本次竞赛主席并拟定题目。
帕特里克 · 舒马赫
Patrik Schumacher
Patrik Schumacher
Architecture in Transformation
Architecture in Transformation
Urban Co-living: Customizing Modules for Community
China’s economy is shifting from the primacy of manufacturing to the primacy of a knowledge- and research-based service sector. This shift aligns with a global trend, namely the global socio-economic transformation from a society based on mechanical mass production to a society based on digital customisation. This simplies a city based on R&D, marketing and finance, requiring continuous networking and face to face communication. The city becomes the social super-brain.
This also implies the congregation of knowledge hungry, entrepreneurial young professionals in central locations. Everybody comes with an insatiable need to network, to learn continuously, and potentially to team up in various entrepreneurial ventures. The idea of co-living caters for this new social need and desire. Co-living offers a real opportunity to make good on all the talk about residential community which must remain a dead letter in housing projects where a random collection of residents live parallel lives. Co-living can create community, which depends on curated compatibility of the residents together with real spatial sharing.
China’s economy is shifting from the primacy of manufacturing to the primacy of a knowledge- and research-based service sector. This shift aligns with a global trend, namely the global socio-economic transformation from a society based on mechanical mass production to a society based on digital customisation. This simplies a city based on R&D, marketing and finance, requiring continuous networking and face to face communication. The city becomes the social super-brain.
This also implies the congregation of knowledge hungry, entrepreneurial young professionals in central locations. Everybody comes with an insatiable need to network, to learn continuously, and potentially to team up in various entrepreneurial ventures. The idea of co-living caters for this new social need and desire. Co-living offers a real opportunity to make good on all the talk about residential community which must remain a dead letter in housing projects where a random collection of residents live parallel lives. Co-living can create community, which depends on curated compatibility of the residents together with real spatial sharing.
The task is to identify a central urban site in one of China’s 1st or 2nd tier cities and propose a co-living cluster with about 1000 small units. The units can be minimal, i.e. about 12 sqm for singles and about 16 sqm for couples. These units should be designed as prefabricated modules. However, these modules should be designed as parametric system that allows for customization. Endless repetition of identical units is to be avoided. Various species of units need to be invented, varied, and perhaps hybridized. The next aspect to be considered are the aggregation patterns that these modules allow for. The varied patters of voids and inbetween spaces should make space for social communication.
The small individual units are to be augmented with a lot of shared facilities that more than compensate for the spatial constraints of the individual units: kitchens, eating areas, lounging/living areas, café/bar areas, co-working areas etc. Together with the voids these shared spaces deliver the communicative tissue that motivates the residents to choose this development in the first place.
The task is to identify a central urban site in one of China’s 1st or 2nd tier cities and propose a co-living cluster with about 1000 small units. The units can be minimal, i.e. about 12 sqm for singles and about 16 sqm for couples. These units should be designed as prefabricated modules. However, these modules should be designed as parametric system that allows for customization. Endless repetition of identical units is to be avoided. Various species of units need to be invented, varied, and perhaps hybridized. The next aspect to be considered are the aggregation patterns that these modules allow for. The varied patters of voids and inbetween spaces should make space for social communication.
The small individual units are to be augmented with a lot of shared facilities that more than compensate for the spatial constraints of the individual units: kitchens, eating areas, lounging/living areas, café/bar areas, co-working areas etc. Together with the voids these shared spaces deliver the communicative tissue that motivates the residents to choose this development in the first place.
评委会主席:帕特里克 · 舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher)
竞赛邮箱: uedcompetition@163.com
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帕特里克 • 舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher)
帕特里克 · 舒马赫(生于1961年,德国波恩),扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑师事务所(ZHA)负责人,是扎哈 · 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)离世后事务所的新掌门人。帕特里克 · 舒马赫于1988年加入扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑师事务所。他是事务所首个建成项目——维特拉消防站(于1993年建成)的首席设计师,并与扎哈 · 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)共同创作了事务所迄今为止几乎所有的建筑作品。他是ARB(Architect’s Registration Board)注册建筑师同时也是英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)成员。
Patrik Schumacher (b. 1961, Bonn, Germany) is principal of Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and has led the practice since Zaha Hadid’s passing. Patrik joined ZHA in 1988. He was the lead architect of ZHA’s first completed project - the Vitra Fire Station (completed 1993) - and together with Hadid, has co-authored almost all the firm’s built works to date. He is registered with the Architect’s Registration Board and a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Patrik studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and at the Southbank University in London. He completed his architectural diploma and received his degree from Stuttgart University in 1990 and also studied philosophy at both Bonn and London Universities. In 1999 he received his doctoral degree Dr.Phil. from the Institute for Cultural Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt.
自1992年起,帕特里克便一直在英国、欧洲大陆和美国的多所建筑学校任教。 他曾与扎哈 · 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)一起,在美国伊利诺伊大学、耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学合作教学,此外,他还是奥地利因斯布鲁克大学实验建筑研究院终身教授。1996年,帕特里克在建筑联盟学院(AA)创立了“设计研究实验室(Design Research Laboratory)”,并以联合主任的身份继续任教。他在全世界范围内讲学,近期被评为哈佛大学设计研究生院约翰 · 波特曼主席建筑教授。
Since 1992, Patrik has been teaching at architectural schools in Britain, continental Europe and the USA. He co-taught a series of post-graduate studios with Zaha Hadid at the University of Illinois, Yale and Columbia, in addition to having been tenured Professor at the Institute for Experimental Architecture, Innsbruck University. In 1996 Patrik founded the Design Research Laboratory at the Architectural Association where he continues to teach as co-director. He is lecturing worldwide and recently held the John Portman Chair in Architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.
2008年,帕特里克创造了“参数化主义(Parametricism)”这个名词,他的作品对当代建筑论述的贡献是显而易见的。 2010年和2012年,他分别出版了两本名为《建筑的自生系统论》的著作;近期还是《安邸AD》杂志中《参数化主义2.0——为21世纪设定建筑议程》一文的客座编辑,重点介绍了参数化主义的社会相关性这一新角度。
In 2008 Patrik coined the phrase Parametricism and his contribution to the discourse of contemporary architecture is evident in his published works. In 2010 and 2012 he published the two volumes ‘The Autopoiesis of Architecture’ and recently guest-edited Architecture Digest (AD) “Parametricism 2.0 – setting architecture’s agenda for the 21st Century” with a new emphasis on its societal relevance.
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二等奖 3 组:获奖证书+奖金各3万元人民币(含税);
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